Software Sustainability

Attendees: HEP software groups, NSF Software Institutes and/or SSE/SSI funded projects.

Location: To be determined

Purpose: (i) Discuss the HEP software life cycle and requirements for software sustainability, which in this context means the ability to obtain the software one wants with assurance, obtain the information required to use the software, obtain the software and hardware environments required to run the software, and use the software. (ii) Examine long-term models and mechanisms for software. Workshop attendees representing diverse science fields will share their experiences in building sustainable software infrastructures for enabling science and engineering.

Inputs: SSE/SSI best practices reports and white papers on software long-term sustainability, reports from pre-S2I2 workshops, etc. White papers on software sustainability will be solicited from the HEP community in advance.

Outcomes: An analysis of the HEP software lifecycle, discussion of state of the art in software sustainability models for large scientific collaborations, and suggested directions for the HEP community. The workshop could potentially lead to establishing a software institute for the entire HEP community as envisioned by NSF 11-589.