Polar RCN Noticeboard
Polar 2018 Event Schedule is now available. Click here
Announcement for support for May 22-24th, CSDMS meeting attendance
Are you studying polar processes and interested in using numerical models? Do you work on polar and glacial landscapes and would your research benefit from learning more on data cyberinfrastructure and high performance computing? Check this out, note the announcement has a quick turn-around time!
The Polar Computing Research Coordination Network has teamed up with CSDMS –the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System- to incite connections between earth surface processes modelers and cryosphere process modelers.
The Polar Research Coordination Network aims to connect the Polar Science, Data and High-Performance and Distributed Computing communities to enable deeper penetration of computing methods and cyberinfrastructure into the polar sciences. CSDMS –the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System is focused on earth surface processes modeling, and has interest to bridge to permafrost, sea ice, ice sheet and glacial modelers.
To build connections between these communities, we offer 8-10 stipends to support attendance to the Annual Meeting on ‘Geoprocesses, Geohazards’, in Boulder Colorado.
May 22-24th, 2018.
Support includes registration, travel, and lodging under the following conditions:
Travel reimbursement only is for travel within the US, with a maximum of $500, and local travel from Denver Airport to Boulder at $70. Lodging will be provided at the designated meeting hotel (for the evenings of May 21st, 22nd and 23rd, shared rooms at 100% of cost and single rooms at 50% of cost), breakfast and lunch each day of the meeting and one dinner, shuttle service between meeting hotel and meeting venue. Per diem, parking, or local transportation fees will not be reimbursed.
Please send us a short paragraph motivating your interest in participating by March 15th, and we will respond within a week. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Upon approval, or when you do not need support for attendance, you can register and submit your abstract here: https://csdms.colorado.edu/
Call for Workshop Partnership & Funds [15 Jan]
The NSF funded Polar Computing Research Coordination Network (http://polar-computing.org) was tasked with analyzing opportunities and barrier in the uptake of high-performance & distributed computing in polar science. Specifically, the RCN was to:
- Address why the polar sciences are poorly represented in the use of HPDC cyberinfrastructure,
- Learn how the Polar Sciences were using and wished to use HPDC resources.
- Explore how to ensure that plans and design for new and existing NSF-funded cyberinfrastructure efforts are cognizant of the needs of the Polar Science community, and
- Understand how best to educate a new generation of polar scientists in the skills needed to realize the opportunities and potential of HPDC.
Having covered the core areas we proposed to NSF, we would like to engage and seek the broader community in determining the next areas of focus. We e would like to offer $15,000 to host a domestic event (must be hosted in the US for US participants) to achieve these goals. We want to hear from YOU about how YOUR community could team up with the Polar Computing RCN to either expand or deepen our response to the charge detailed above.
Submit just a two-paragraph “proposal” to PI This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. describing your community, your proposed event, and how you would use the available funds. Deadline for submission is 15 January 2018. More information on the RCN and past activities at http://polar-computing.org.
Software Carpentry & Intro to HPC Workshop
A two-day workshop for polar scientists interested in learning tools for data analysis and computation
using high-performance computing.
When and Where
June 16-17, 2018
Davos, Switzerland, collocated with Polar2018
Full Agenda: http://www.caseyyoungflesh.com/2018-06-16-davos/
What: Topics covered will include introductions to;
- Python programming
- Shell scripting
- Git and version control
- High-performance computers
- Best practices in data management and reproducible research
Graduate students and other early career researchers particularly encouraged to apply.
Prior programming experience helpful but not required.
More Information
Full and updated workshop information is available here.
The workshop is free but space is limited. Feel free to share this page/the flyer [pdf]
Here is a storify report of the second Polar HPC hackathon.
The 2nd HPC-Polar Hackathon featuring 6 teams working on different polar science problems, will be held at the IACS at Stony Brook University from 01-04 August, 2017. We are grateful for support from Google (Higher Education and Research) and the Indiana University for their support.
On August 21, 2016, we held a side meeting on polar cyberinfrastructure at the SCAR meeting. Read a short summary of the discussion here.
Polar-HPC Hackathon 2016 Storify: Highlights of the NSF sponsored hackathon designed to get the HPC and Polar Science community collaborating!
The Imagery Workshop was a success! Click here for more info and an attendee list / photo.
The XSEDE Scholars Program is accepting applications. Deadline for application: February 1, 2016
NYTimes featuring RCN Senior Investigator Asa!
Spring 2015 - The Polar Research Coordination Network has received funding from the National Science Foundation.