Challenge detail

Roles and Responsibilities

Preparation Exploration Negotiation Implementation


Researcher: My role is to lead the research. I didn't know you expected me to take on these other roles.

Practitioner: I thought my role was to advise and facilitate logistics. I didn't know you expected me to take on these other roles.

Convergence: The type of partnership or collaboration established between researchers and practitioners needs to be decided upon from the beginning of the research project. Then assessed and adapted as needed during implementation, dissemination, or evaluation of the project. A conversation between all actors involved can establish clear roles and responsibilities and lower the potential for conflict in the future.

Discussion Guide

Questions Researchers Can Ask:

What data/support will the practitioners be able to provide? Are there capacity building needs?

Who needs to be involved in regular calls and meetings?

What level of input can/should we have in making implementation decisions?

When/how will the implementation team notify researchers about changes or aspects of the intervention that may have an impact on the analysis and results?

When/how are we expected to engage with the donor/client?

Questions Practitioners Can Ask:

What kinds of support and analyses will the research team be able to offer the implementing partner?

What level of input can/should we have in making decisions about the research questions, scope, etc.?

When/how will the researcher share results with implementing partners before they are finalized?

How do you plan to share research findings to key stakeholders and other relevant audiences? How can we help reach a broader/ more diverse audience?

Questions Both Can Ask:

Who should be contacted for which type of question?

What is the purpose of this partnership?

What questions are we seeking to answer and how will we answer them?

What is our knowledge management strategy? What platform(s) are we using?

Who is the primary POC on both sides?

What is the primary means of communication? (e.g. email, slack, skype, whatsapp, etc.)

What reporting responsibilities are expected from each team? When are these inputs due?

Have we adequately documented the roles and responsibilities in the SOW and/or any agreements?